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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Other concepts

Is it better to use malloc() or calloc()?

Both the malloc() and the calloc() functions are used to allocate dynamic memory. Each operates slightly different from the other. malloc() takes a size and returns a pointer to a chunk of memory at least that big:
void *malloc( size_t size );
calloc() takes a number of elements, and the size of each, and returns a pointer to a chunk of memory at least big enough to hold them all:
void *calloc( size_t numElements, size_t sizeOfElement );
There's one major difference and one minor difference between the two functions. The major difference is that malloc() doesn't initialize the allocated memory. The first time malloc() gives you a particular chunk of memory, the memory might be full of zeros. If memory has been allocated, freed, and reallocated, it probably has whatever junk was left in it. That means, unfortunately, that a program might run in simple cases (when memory is never reallocated) but break when used harder (and when memory is reused). calloc() fills the allocated memory with all zero bits. That means that anything there you're going to use as a char or an int of any length, signed or unsigned, is guaranteed to be zero. Anything you're going to use as a pointer is set to all zero bits. That's usually a null pointer, but it's not guaranteed.Anything you're going to use as a float or double is set to all zero bits; that's a floating-point zero on some types of machines, but not on all.
The minor difference between the two is that calloc() returns an array of objects; malloc() returns one object. Some people use calloc() to make clear that they want an array.


When is a switch statement better than multiple if statements?

A switch statement is generally best to use when you have more than two conditional expressions based on a single variable of numeric type.


What is #line used for?

The #line preprocessor directive is used to reset the values of the _ _LINE_ _ and _ _FILE_ _ symbols, respectively. This directive is commonly used in fourth-generation languages that generate C language source files.

What is static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation?

Static memory allocation: The compiler allocates the required memory space for a declared variable.By using the address of operator,the reserved address is obtained and this address may be assigned to a pointer variable.Since most of the declared variable have static memory,this way of assigning pointer value to a pointer variable is known as static memory allocation. memory is assigned during compilation time.
Dynamic memory allocation: It uses functions such as malloc( ) or calloc( ) to get memory dynamically.If these functions are used to get memory dynamically and the values returned by these functions are assingned to pointer variables, such assignments are known as dynamic memory allocation.memory is assined during run time.

When would you use a pointer to a function?

Pointers to functions are interesting when you pass them to other functions. A function that takes function pointers says, in effect, Part of what I do can be customized. Give me a pointer to a function, and I'll call it when that part of the job needs to be done. That function can do its part for me. This is known as a callback. It's used a lot in graphical user interface libraries, in which the style of a display is built into the library but the contents of the display are part of the application.
As a simpler example, say you have an array of character pointers (char*s), and you want to sort it by the value of the strings the character pointers point to. The standard qsort() function uses function pointers to perform that task. qsort() takes four arguments,
- a pointer to the beginning of the array,
- the number of elements in the array,
- the size of each array element, and
- a comparison function, and returns an int.

When should a type cast not be used?

A type cast should not be used to override a const or volatile declaration. Overriding these type modifiers can cause the program to fail to run correctly.
A type cast should not be used to turn a pointer to one type of structure or data type into another. In the rare events in which this action is beneficial, using a union to hold the values makes the programmer's intentions clearer.






What is the easiest searching method to use?

Just as qsort() was the easiest sorting method, because it is part of the standard library, bsearch() is the easiest searching method to use. If the given array is in the sorted order bsearch() is the best method.
Following is the prototype for bsearch():
void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *buf, size_t num, size_t size, int (*comp)(const void *, const void*));
Another simple searching method is a linear search. A linear search is not as fast as bsearch() for searching among a large number of items, but it is adequate for many purposes. A linear search might be the only method available, if the data isn't sorted or can't be accessed randomly. A linear search starts at the beginning and sequentially compares the key to each element in the data set.




  What is a structure?

A structure is a collection of pre-defined data types to create a user-defined data type. Let us say we need to create records of students. Each student has three fields:

int roll_number;

char name[30];


int total_marks;

This concept would be particularly useful in grouping data types. You could declare a structure student as:

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struct student {


 int roll_number;



 char name[30];


 int total_marks;



} student1, student2;

The above snippet of code would declare a structure by name student and it initializes two objects student1, student2. Now these objects and their fields could be accessed by saying student1.
style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New";color:#0000C0'>roll_number for accesing roll number field of student1 object, similarly student2.
style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New";color:#0000C0'>name for accesing name field of student2 object.

What are the advantages of using unions?

Union is a collection of data items of different data types.
It can hold data of only one member at a time though it has members of different data types.

If a union has two members of different data types, they are allocated the same memory. The memory allocated is equal to maximum size of the members. The data is interpreted in bytes depending on which member is being accessed.



union pen {


 char name;



 float point;



Here name and point are union members. Out of these two variables, 'point' is larger variable which is of float data type and it would need 4 bytes of memory. Therefore 4 bytes space is allocated for both the variables. Both the variables have the same memory location. They are accessed according to their type.
Union is efficient when members of it are not required to be accessed at the same time.



What is storage class and what are storage variable ?

A storage class is an attribute that changes the behavior of a variable. It controls the lifetime, scope and linkage.
of storage classes
1) auto
2) static
3) extern



What are register variables? What are advantages of using register variables?

Register variables are stored in the CPU registers. Its default value is a garbage value. Scope of a register variable is local to the block in which it is defined. Lifetime is till control remains within the block in which the register variable is defined. Variable stored in a CPU register can always be accessed faster than the one that is stored in memory. Therefore, if a variable is used at many places in a program, it is better to declare its storage class as register


register int x=5;
Variables for loop counters can be declared as register. Note that register keyword may be ignored by some compilers.


What is a static function?

A static function is a function whose scope is limited to the current source file. Scope refers to the visibility of a function or variable. If the function or variable is visible outside of the current source file, it is said to have global, or external, scope. If the function or variable is not visible outside of the current source file, it is said to have local, or static, scope.

When should a type cast not be used?

A type cast should not be used to override a const or volatile declaration. Overriding these type modifiers can cause the program to fail to run correctly.
A type cast should not be used to turn a pointer to one type of structure or data type into another. In the rare events in which this action is beneficial, using a union to hold the values makes the programmer's intentions clearer.

What is a macro, and how do you use it?

A macro is a preprocessor directive that provides a mechanism for token replacement in your source code. Macros are created by using the #define statement.
Here is an example of a macro: Macros can also utilize special operators such as the stringizing operator (#) and the concatenation operator (##).The stringizing operator can be used to convert macro parameters to quoted strings, as in the following example:
#define DEBUG_VALUE(v) printf(#v is equal to %d.n, v)
In your program, you can check the value of a variable by invoking the DEBUG_VALUE macro:
int x = 20;
The preceding code prints x is equal to 20. on-screen. This example shows that the stringizing operator used with macros can be a very handy debugging tool.


What are header files? Are functions declared or defined in header files ?

Functions and macros are declared in header files. Header files would be included in source files by the compiler at the time of compilation.

Header files are included in source code using #include directive.#include<some.h> includes all the declarations present in the header file 'some.h'.

A header file may contain declarations of sub-routines, functions, macros and also variables which we may want to use in our program. Header files help in reduction of repetitive code.

Syntax of include directive:
#include<stdio.h> //includes the header file stdio.h, standard input output header into the source code


What is an Enumeration?

Enumeration is a data type. We can create our own data type and define values that the variable can take. This can help in making program more readable. enum definition is similar to that of a structure.

What is the use of typedef?

typedef declaration helps to make source code of a C program more readable. Its purpose is to redefine the name of an existing variable type. It provides a short and meaningful way to call a data type. typedef is useful when the name of the data type is long. Use of typedef can reduce length and complexity of data types.